Monthly Archives: October 2013

The 42 Stops, LLC Story

42 Stops, LLC was formed in order to give an outlet to share insights from the Word (via the blog) and to set up a marketplace (shop) for homemade crafts, clothing items, and tzitziyot (“tzitzits”) dyed with woad (a natural plant dye used in the Temple by the kohenim/priests). A portion of any profits will be donated to help needy families attend the annual Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles celebration.

The name “42 Stops” comes from the 42 locations to which the Children of Israel journeyed on their way out of Mitzrayim (Egypt).  These “42 stops” are identified in Bemidbar/Numbers chapter 33.  These “42 stops” or stages on the journey from Mitzrayim to the Land each has a teaching point for us.  We are learning to walk as He would have us walk, one stop at a time.